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We do the best we can to restore and maintain the Sackville River system as a natural habitat for native species and humans. But some of those species require two different healthy environments in order to survive or thrive. American eels, Gaspereau, sea run brook trout and Atlantic salmon all depend on both marine and freshwater environments. On Aug. 13, at 6PM join us at the Sackville Public Library to view a documentary chronicling the challenges faced by Atlantic salmon at sea.

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A huge "Thank You" to the Bedford Players Theatre and to former MP Peter Stoffer for their very generous recent donations.

The Bedford Players support local nonprofit organizations with donations based on a percentage of ticket & concession sales. SRA was selected as the recipient for their spring production "Welcome to Paradise" which ran from June 6 to 22.

Retired NDP MP Peter Stoffer is a regular contributor to our organization.

The donations are much appreciated and the funds will be used in river restoration work and equipment/facilities repair after last year's flood.

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