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(Where we are)

This page shows maps related to the Sackville Rivers watershed and some associated recreational trails.

The Sackville River Watershed

The Sackville River watershed is the land area from which precipitation (rainfall and snow melt) flow into the Sackville River.

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Bedford-Sackville Connector Greenway

The BSCG runs from Union St. near the intersection of Rowledge Ln. in Bedford to the Old Sackville Rd. near the intersection with Lynn Ct.

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Sackville Greenway

The Sackville Greenway runs from Sackville Dr. near the intersection with Riverside Dr. to Glendale Dr. near the intersection with Beaverbank Rd. It follows the course of the Little Sackville River. 

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Mailing Address

PO Box 45071

Sackville HRM, NS

B4E 2Z6

Street Address

Sackville Heights Community Centre

45 Connolly Rd., Rm. 206

Middle Sackville, NS

B4E 1S6

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Office: (902) 865-9238

Fax: (902) 864-3564


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