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A huge "Thank You" to the Bedford Players Theatre and to former MP Peter Stoffer for their very generous recent donations.

The Bedford Players support local nonprofit organizations with donations based on a percentage of ticket & concession sales. SRA was selected as the recipient for their spring production "Welcome to Paradise" which ran from June 6 to 22.

Retired NDP MP Peter Stoffer is a regular contributor to our organization.

The donations are much appreciated and the funds will be used in river restoration work and equipment/facilities repair after last year's flood.

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A big "Thank You" to Saltwater Sean for his very interesting talk at our 2024 AGM on June 6. Artifacts Sean has retrieved from the Sackville River are now on permanent display at the Sackville Heights Community Centre.

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Todd Labrador is a Mi'kmaq elder and renowned builder of traditional Birch bark canoes.

A sea-going canoe Todd and his daughter Melissa built last summer is now on permanent display at the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough, Ontario.

The decorative designs on the canoe were produced by artist Melissa.

(Photos below were taken at the canoe's official launch on Kejimkujik Lake.)

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Mailing Address

PO Box 45071

Sackville HRM, NS

B4E 2Z6

Street Address

Sackville Heights Community Centre

45 Connolly Rd., Rm. 206

Middle Sackville, NS

B4E 1S6

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Office: (902) 865-9238

Fax: (902) 864-3564


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